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Even now people use computers is also known as the mouse cursor controller. In English and Japanese are simply Mouse and Maウsu, meaning all mice. General tool for the interpretation of the rat, mouse that is beyond the mouse, or certain areas of the rat called ' rats ', neither say what they were. In fact, the mouse called a mouse, has its historical reasons. Five Dynasties ( AD 907-960 ) feudal warlords, war frequently. Rulers for their own enjoyment of the hog, intensified plunder the people, to the exactions ray ban sunglasses uk stand a lot of strange names.

Food and Money " records,ray bans online, in addition to being tax items, there are many additional tax, such as farm salt to the salt tax, wine drunk to pay taxes to the sericulture silkworm tax. Not only that, there are additional outside surtax, called Sparrow rat consumption. Official regulations : Each pay for food with one stone, plus loss of two fighting. Even silk, cotton, silk, thread, hemp, leather these birds do not eat rat stuff, but also add bird rat consumption, pay per consumption silver twelve plus two and a half. After the Han emperor to implicit when rats consumed by the birds with one stone Carolina grain consumption plus two bucket, bucket increased to four, more people are miserable, but dared not openly complain about the emperor, they put their anger nike free run 2 into a belly mice, rats are swearing mouse.

Mention mice, people are all teeth hate ; saw mice, people are invariably rise to be eradicated. Humans treated mice, it arguably Jieruchou it. However on mice, there are two quite magical folk legend. One is a gold tooth mouse, the other is the story about the mouse wasted step. Words long, long time ago, there was a man surnamed Xu, who lives in Nanshan District, ray ban uk 's life is very poor. A five people, over many years hard labor, in the end there are three meals a meal without soup meal, to eat a decent meal a little gruel, which was extremely rare it !
