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Plus Yamada plum two suddenly fainted, which led directly to the Japanese already rigid command system paralyzed. So, there are organizations already fighting the Japanese tanks, and immediately caught up in fighting each situation. Zhang Cheng Department of the blow to the Japanese, apparently beyond the money bright expectations. Perhaps, ghd is not expected to be so bullied Japanese bar. Zhang Cheng Department first round salvo directly destroyed the little devils twenty-five tanks, so let ghd nz victories, head of battalion commander who felt jealous, while also greatly inspired the morale of the troops.

The battle cry in public channel after another,ghd hair straighteners, in the light of money to maintain formation! Attack cries, but also freedom of movement of a hundred tanks firmly sustains their small formation, courageously. In the escarpinsl ouboutin company commander, battalion commander and even platoon under the command of their often thirty-four tank focused against a target, will soon be in the middle of a dozen all 99 tanks destroyed, and then began to expand towards the wings, which is determined To perform a war of annihilation. Students and soldiers in the military tactics of this car under the sea, the Japanese word Hydra array disadvantage would undoubtedly filling - thin!

Zhexiang little devils do not know what a sight it is opposite thirty-four mass of flames burst from the same time, immediately, this car 99 on paralysis in there. Even if there is fighting ability, but lost mobility, that is the target of the dead - waiting for beating it! Not go on like ah! Clever little devils commanders have realized that the worst of times, facing claws pounced Jiguang tanks, ghd nz simply not a battle of courage. So, first began to turn around the first a 99-style escape, and then, only a very few of the few still bite hardcore, it ghd nz the 99 have a U-turn and ran it back, but it is what the whole Bushido refused to go up.
